Emergency Relief Program for Scholars and Students at Risk Following the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
The University of Tokyo decided to launch a special program to host Ukrainian students and researchers at the University of Tokyo for a short term and provide them with educational and research environments. The University will be listing information on the educational and research programs that it is able to offer and make them available to those who wish to receive such information. The University will also provide financial support (travel expenses, living expenses, etc.), housing support, and living support.
This is the first time for the University to undertake such an initiative. Even though they will be refining the details of the initiative as we go along, the university is committed to making a definitive action as a Japanese university in response to the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia
In order to promote the initiative and be able to provide necessary support, it is decided to make a call for donations through the University of Tokyo Foundation. Please refer to the following for cooperation!
About the Emergency Relief Fund for Scholars and Students at Risk (Japanese) https://utf.u-tokyo.ac.jp/project/pjt144
About the Emergency Relief Fund for Scholars and Students at Risk (English) https://utf.u-tokyo.ac.jp/project/pjt144/English
1. Eligible Applicants
Students and researchers (including part-time, regardless of nationality) who are unable to secure a safe place to study or conduct research due to the invasion of Ukraine by russia.
- For undergraduate and graduate students: Depending on where and the status in which you are accepted, you will generally be supervised by an academic staff. (Students are accepted as non-degree-seeking students.)
- For researchers: You will receive support to continue your research activities. (In principle, the post will be unsalaried)
2. Acceptance Period
Until March 31, 2023 (tentative) *Subject to review and possible extension depending on future circumstances.
3. Support for Students and Researchers Who have been Accepted
(1) Support for travel to Japan: actual expenses for travel to Japan, support for obtaining status of residence
(2) Housing support: Free rental of university housing, etc.
(3) Financial support: JPY 80,000 per month (tentative) for up to one year as a living support allowance; tuition fees waived for students
(4) Support for daily life: Counseling, Japanese language classes, and other daily life support
4.Emergency Relief Programs
- If you find a program/status that you would like to apply for in the table below, please contact the respective contact person by e-mail to inquire about application procedures. If no contact email is listed, please use the form at the end of this page. We will send you the application instructions shortly.
- Please check the website of each faculty/graduate school/research institute to make sure that your field of specialization matches the field of education and research of the unit implementing the program.
- Acceptance is subject to a review process. Please be aware that you may not be accepted if your area of specialization or requirements do not match or depending on the screening process at each department.
- “Supervisor’s Pre-approval” may be required prior to submitting application, depending on conditions set by each graduate school or research institute. Please find a prospective supervisor beforehand.
List of Emergency Relief Programs for undergraduate and graduate students can be found following the link of the main source below:

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