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DAAD website for Ukrainian refugee students, researchers


he German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has launched the website of the “National Academic Contact Point Ukraine”, which offers comprehensive information and assistance for Ukrainian students and researchers. 
At the launch of the website, DAAD President Joybrato Mukherjee said: “With the steadily increasing number of people from Ukraine seeking refuge, protection, but also the continuation of their studies or academic careers in Germany, the effects of the Russian war of aggression are coming even closer to German universities. 
“We currently assume that up to 100,000 Ukrainian students and researchers will need support and academic prospects in Germany in the near future. This requires adequately funded support programmes and a central academic information point for Ukrainians.” 
“At the request of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany and with the support of the Federal Ministry of Education, we have therefore quickly launched the website of the ‘National Academic Contact Point Ukraine’,” Mukherjee explained. 
“On it, refugee students and academics can find the essential information for their stay in Germany. In addition, we provide them with a variety of support options from German academic organisations and universities.” 
The Contact Point’s website bundles information for Ukrainian students and researchers on residence, university admission, studies and research, and everyday life in Germany. It is available in German and English, and a Ukrainian version is constantly being expanded. 
For Ukrainian students, the website is meant to serve as a guide to the German higher education system. It also offers a platform for German higher education and research institutions to present their wide range of support in a concise and structured manner. 
Alongside direct offers of assistance, German universities, the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany and other institutions and organisations in the higher education and research system, as well as student associations and foundations, are accessible to Ukrainian students and researchers. 
Currently, around 60 support offers can already be found on the website, which is constantly being updated and expanded with additional offers. 
In addition to the website, the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine offers targeted information for individual enquiries based on the DAAD’s advisory services. Here, Ukrainian students and researchers can contact the DAAD directly in Ukrainian – access is integrated in the website. 
Universities, research organisations and foundations can also send their support offers for students and researchers straight to the DAAD. 
“Since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the DAAD has already received and answered more than 1,000 enquiries through all communication channels,” says Ursula Paintner, director of communications at the DAAD. “We are therefore working flat out to expand our advisory services and will soon be offering additional advice in Ukrainian on the central issues of university access, study and research in Germany.” 
The National Contact Point website is: https://www.daad-ukraine.org. 

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