International Collaboration Department is the center for active integration of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute into worldwide science and education. If you are ambitious, want to expand knowledge far beyond Ukraine, and receive invaluable experience from foreign specialists, a wide range of resources for obtaining new knowledge, have a unique idea, and are ready for new challenges and tasks – we have a shared way. Our desire – to bring one of the best universities in Ukraine to a new level of interaction with the world. The enthusiastic and powerful ICD team will help you get acquainted with the leading achievements of education and science, present its developments and establish partnerships with foreign partners.
Deep internationalization of higher education institutions is becoming more relevant and gaining new opportunities. One of the reasons is the modern means of implementation. These are unhindered communication channels, the ability to travel around the world, and the desire to discover something new.
Universities from around the world are actively developing partnerships. Such raises the international level of the university, which means that it provides applicants with new opportunities. For scientific and pedagogical staff and researchers, it is another chance to expand the boundaries of fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with colleagues around the world.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has more than 150 partners from around the world. Thanks to them, we promote study in the best foreign educational institutions, the practice, and internship of teachers and young talented scientists, joint scientific laboratories, held international conferences, and create research and educational projects.
International activities are close interactions aimed not at the presence of signed agreements but at the results expressed in improving knowledge and skills. So what? Are we on the same wave?
Our goal is to create conditions for realizing the potential of talented young people and transferring the leading experience of experts. Your task – to take advantage of the chance that gives Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
3D tour of the territory of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Events in the main areas of international cooperation of higher education institutions according to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” are carried out by the International Collaboration Department in close cooperation with university units headed by the first vice-rector, vice-rector for academic work, scientific work, educational work and administrative and economic work with the active participation of institutes and faculties.