The global network of Igor Sikorsky KPI partners works to develop international cooperation in the field of science and education, help participants of educational process and researchers to navigate the flood of information and find the full implementation of their ideas.
Internationalization of the university is one of the key ways to maintain and develop its status of high-quality education. Cooperation with foreign institutions and enterprises confirms the level of higher education, and also makes it recognized in the world and competitive. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute enters into partnerships with leading institutions, on the basis of which it is possible for students to receive higher education abroad in scholarship programs or dual diploma programs. We cooperate with international scientific institutions, university associations, etc. This makes it possible to increase the skills of scientists and expand the boundaries of their knowledge. International educational projects allow attracting specialists of leading companies, which produces opportunities for invaluable practice and obtaining essential skills today.

That is why the International Collaboration Department is actively working to expand international relations. Becoming familiarized with our partners, you will be able to understand what opportunities Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute opens and get the methods of your own ideas and skills implementation. Our university is focused not only on the provision of educational services. We strive to help our graduates find their place in the world, become able to quickly adapt to variable conditions, not be afraid to create something of their own, easily communicate with foreign investors and partners. At the same time, we serve as a contact point between talented scientists (whether even beginners) and leading foreign institutions that are already looking for promising workers. We create all appropriate conditions for this and coordinate this type of cooperation on the principles of justice, mutual benefit, and mutual assistance. Let us develop each other together!