One of the main priorities of Igor Sikorsky KPI is integration into the world research space. It is facilitated by the bilateral international cooperation with educational and scientific institutions of Eastern, EU partnership countries, participation in the European Union Research and Innovation Framework Program.
The university is always the center for the development of science in the country. It combines qualified specialists and entry-level scientists, their creativity, a fresh look at the world of research and innovation, and non-standard thinking. Any progress begins by encouraging young people, inspiring them, and creating the right conditions for further action.
Igor Sikorsky KPI clearly understands the goals. It is necessary to implement an all-around approach to the introduction of new research developments, works in unique scientific areas, which at the same time are relevant and in-demand on a global scale. For us, the integration of the scientific sphere into the international space is important, since this is the expansion of the opportunity scope that can be presented for young scientists in Ukraine. We strive to assure scientists not to go abroad in search of highly paid work or resources for the implementation of further researches but find all the sources they need in Ukraine. It would be possible thanks to communication and fruitful cooperation with other countries from around the world.
Now in all universities, there is a tendency to “rejuvenate” science. More and more junior students are becoming interested in fundamental research in different areas. Nor are we an exception. Students of KPI are by no means behind their “colleagues” – qualified scientists. Together they strike the whole world with their scientific activities. And our goal is to continue in the same movement.
The scientific and innovative activity of the university unites educational, scientific, and research structural units that carry out research, development, units for the management of innovation and transfer of university technologies, informational support of management activities.
Activity is defined by Laws of Ukraine “About the Higher Education”; “About Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activity”; “About the Priority Directions of Development of Science and Technology”; “About the Priority Directions of Innovative Activity in Ukraine” and other normative legal acts of Ukraine, orders, and provisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the development strategy of Igor Sikorsky KPI.
The activity is aimed at combining the educational process, research, and production to obtain new knowledge, which is the basis for educational activities; solving complex problems in the field of scientific, technological, and innovative development; introduction and use of scientific and scientific-technical results and products created at the university in Ukraine and the world market.