Partner organization | |
Organization ID | E10200141 |
Participant Identification Code | PIC: 998145715 |
VAT: | UA02070922 |
Full legal name (Latin characters) | National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ |
Acronym | ISKPI |
Please briefly present the organisation/group (e.g. its type, scope of work, areas of activity and if applicable, approximate number of paid/unpaid staff, learners and members of the group)
National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ (in short, Igor Sikorsky KPI) is a leading technical university in Ukraine comprising 14 faculties and 10 educational and research institutes. More than 25 000 students are currently studying at the university and more than 500 professors and 1 300 associate professors deliver lectures and seminars for future specialists in both social, humanitarian and technical fields (chemical engineering; biomedical engineering; instrumentation engineering; radio engineering; biotechnology and biotechnics; electric power engineering and automatics; electronics; informatics and computer science; management and marketing; linguistics; sociology and law; applied mathematics; physics; chemical technology; applied system analysis; telecommunication systems; aerospace technologies; nuclear and thermal energy; energy saving and energy management; materials science and welding; communication and information security; mechanical engineering; printing and publishing). Igor Sikorsky KPI trains undergraduate, master, PhD and postdoctoral students.
Having as it keymission contribution to the sustainable development of society through education internationalization and integration, advanced research and innovative solutions, Igor Sikorsky KPI is set to create all the necessary conditions for professional, intellectual, social and cultural development of students as well as provide its teaching and research staff with opportunities for carrying out research. Thus, the University offers over 70 research laboratories, centres and infrastructure which are fitted with specialized equipment. Aimed at fostering the development of innovations, the University has created an open innovation ecosystem ‘All-Ukrainian Innovation Ecosystem “Sikorsky Challenge Ukraine” (SCU)’ which unites the country’s institutions interested in the development of the Ukrainian innovation economy: universities, research institutions, state authorities, local authorities, business companies, foundations, and NGOs. Annually SCU hosts the Festival of Innovation Projects ‘Sikorsky Challenge’ where participant present new projects in the following fields: defense and security: defense-industrial complex, information technology, cybersecurity, industrial high-tech, aviation and space, civil and military infrastructure, environmental and energy security, biomedical engineering and human health, agricultural engineering and food security, transport and logistics.
Huge attention is also being paid to the development of international collaboration. Igor Sikorsky KPI is actively participating in international projects under Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, NATO SPS programme, Swedish Institute grant programmes, programmes funded by both EU countries and Ukraine. The University has partnership with more than 13 international organizations (British Council, UNIDO, UNESCO, KOICA, WIPO, JICA, ICS, CODATA ets) and more than 90 companies. Igor Sikorsky KPI has signed partnership and cooperation agreements with more than 230 universities and is a member of a number of alliances, associations and networks (UNICA, ENHANCE, GISU, EERA, ECHA, BUP, EUA etc). Two National Contact Points for the EU’s Horizon Research and Innovation Programme operate based on the University, alongside centers fostering extensive cooperation with Poland, France, Japan, and China, as well as the Center for International Education.

КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського з кожним роком бере все активнішу участь у міжнародних програмах та конкурсах науково-дослідницьких проєктів, зокрема “Горизонт Європа”, “НАТО заради миру”, різноманітних білатеральних проєктах.