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Academic study: European integration on the strategic development of intellectual propertyEUSDIPGrant agreement ID: 101126995 01.11.2023/31.10.2026Project objective:
Implementation of the academic discipline ‘Academic study: European integration on the strategic development of intellectual property’, which aims to increase the level of knowledge of students and other stakeholders on the protection of intellectual property rights in the context of European integration, which is in line with national policy in the field of intellectual property rights and EU priority areas, which provides for the harmonization and unification of Ukrainian legislation, as well as the promotion of EU values and principles.
European Sustainable Competitiveness for Economic Resilience and GrowthESC4ERG Grant agreement ID: 10117598301.09.2024/01.09.2027The aim of the module ‘European Sustainable Competitiveness for Economic Resilience and Growth’ is to acquire
competences and strengthening of knowledge and skills of
of students necessary for the implementation of sustainable
practices and achieving competitive advantage
in the European market, which will contribute to
building a more sustainable and resilient economy,
driven by competitive and
innovative SMEs.
Sustainable Supply Chains in EUSSCEUGrant agreement ID: 10117573401.09.2024/01.09.2027Objective: online training for students as part of the joint project of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) ‘Sustainable Supply Chains in EU’.
Digital Transformations for Supporting Next-Generation LabourNEXTGrant agreement ID: 10112902201.11.2023/31.10.2026The goal of the proposed project is to narrow the existing gap between the rapid pace of digital transformation, and the training of specialists from different fields, especially those that are not related to IT. At present the specialists are not sufficiently skilled to efficiently work with digital technologies and tools, and to understand possible pitfalls in their use, including mental health issues and legal matters.
Incubating Freedom for Ukraine – building IT competence among Ukrainian war refugees residing in EU countries Cooperation partnerships in vocational Education and trainingIFUProject ID: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-VET-00016147401.10.2023/31.09.2025Aim of the project: A project to help Ukrainian women displaced by the war to Poland and other European countries by providing them with IT / digital skills courses so they can find jobs now where they are, and later contribute to rebuilding post-war digital transformation of their country.
Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Data Science for Industrial and Societal ChallengesMATHS-DISCGrant agreement ID: 101180080 01.10.2024/31.12.2030The MATHS-DISC Committee helps each student in the choice of a personalized educational path, according to her/his mathematical background and her/his cultural and mobility preferences.
Enhancing Environmental Data COllection through Machine Learning and Database SystemsEco MindsProject ID: 2024-1-HR01-KA220-HED-00024549501.10.2024/31.03.2027The Eco Minds project aims to support the digital and green transformation of higher education by developing digital and green competences in educators and students. The project will create innovative courses in machine learning and database design while addressing environmental and climate challenges at local and European levels.
Unlocking the Transformative potential of Ukrainian Universities towards climate neutral and sustainable cities – UniCitiesUNICITIESGrant agreement ID: 10108309901.02.2023/31.01.2026The key objective of UniCities is to unlock the transformative potential of Ukrainian universities as catalysts and accelerators of systemic change in cities towards sustainable development and climate neutrality through interdisciplinary research, education and innovation focused on societal challenges and cooperation.
Collaborative online international learning to foster sustainability, empowerment & resilience of energy networks and the digitalisation of higher educationCOIL-SERENADEProject ID: 2023-1-DE01-KA220-HED-0001616401.09.2023/31.08.2025The project seeks to empower educators and students by fostering collaboration and enhancing digital and 21st century skills. The Focus is on COIL courses to improve the quality of education in the energy sector and promote interdisciplinary perspectives. The project addresses the challenges faced by the Ukrainians due to the war and intends to develop a strategy for building a modern and resilient Ukrainian educational system.

Key activities include training partners in designing and implementing Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) courses with tailored case studies, establishing an online community for knowledge exchange, and devising a strategy for a digitalized education system in Ukraine. The methodology involves a combination of training, pilot implementation, evaluation, and continuous improvement, leveraging insights from the community and COIL courses ensuring a well- integrated approach.
Open Science for Ukrainian Higher Education SystemOpen4UAGrant agreement ID: 10112908501.11.2023/31.10.2026Open4UA aims to advance the growth of Ukraine’s knowledge-driven economy for the post-war recovery by reforming the higher education system. This will be achieved through prioritising Open Science across different levels (from National policies to individual researchers), which is reflected in the project objectives:

fostering the National reform on Open Science for the higher education system modernisation and EU integration by supporting legislation amendments based on the orchestrated National consensus;
introducing existing advanced approaches and creating state-of-the-art recommendations and mechanisms to reform research assessment to prioritise Open Science at the National level during state certification of higher educational institutions and research projects evaluation;
fostering the institutional reform on Open Science and advancing research assessment in higher educational institutions through developing and piloting related toolkits.
Strengthening Digital Skills in the Water Sector Higher EducationDIGISKILLSGrant agreement ID: 10117870801.01.2025/31.12.2027The DIGISKILLS project aims to apply digital technologies and innovative teaching methods in the field of water technology education. The project will use the best practices of EU member states in the digital transformation of water education, including the modernisation of the education system in the field of water technology training and the acquisition of better competencies by students in this area. It is planned to purchase modern equipment and software to improve the level of the educational process and the quality of education of higher education students. In addition, it is planned to create simulations of a number of laboratory works for visualisation, in particular during independent study of theoretical material and preparation for laboratory classes.