University Profile
To help create a society of the future based on the concept of sustainable development. To be the technical university of research type of world level, providing the preparation of highly skilled (perfect) professionals able to produce modern scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for the good of humanity and to provide the deserving place for Ukraine in world cooperation.
To assist in the sustainable development of society through the internationalization and integration of education, the latest scientific research, and innovative developments. To create conditions for all-around professional, intellectual, social, and creative development of personality on the greatest levels of perfection in an educationally scientific environment.

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” ( is the largest Ukrainian university and one of the largest technical universities of Europe. The university works and develops since 1898 as the only campus in the center of the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. Here organically integrated conditions for training, rest, sport, and personal hobbies for all students and scientific and teaching community on the area more than one hundred hectares. Among teachers of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute – more than 500 professors and 1300 associate professors.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is a national autonomous public institution of higher education that belongs to research type and has the right to carry out the educational activity directed to the training of bachelors, masters, doctors of philosophy (Ph.D. in Technological Sciences) and doctors of science including for other countries. During its existence, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute trained more than 370 thousand experts, among whom there were many foreign students.
The international activities of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the establishment of cooperation with foreign partners are carried out in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. In particular, based on the laws of Ukraine:
– On higher education;
– On scientific, research, and technical activity;
– On Foreign Economic Activity,
and other components of the legislative field of Ukraine in the field of international, including foreign economic activity, the Charter of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and the rules of internal procedure of the university. Ukrainian scientists, innovators, teachers, and students actively participate in technical and innovative cooperation with foreign partners.
According to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Development Strategy for 2022-2025 and in order to achieve equal opportunities for women and men as a strategic goal, the university is implementing an Action Plan on Implementing the Principles of Gender Equality into the Practice of National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’.
The issue of gender equality in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is regulated by Order NoNU/2018/2021 of October 18, 2021.
Since January 2024, the university has been implementing “Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Academic Activities at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, approved by the Academic Council of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on December 11, 2023 (Minutes No. 11).
Successful cooperation with representatives of 47 countries and international organizations is possible thanks to the active participation of the entire team and students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in international educational, scientific projects and programs. The university contains 32 joint structures with university partners, the leading international organizations, in particular EC, CU, UNDP, UNESCO, UNIDO, WIPO, NATO, EDNES, ICSU, CODATA, and well-known companies (HUAWEI, MOTOROLA, SIEMENS, FESTO, SAMSUNG, INTEL, etc). The University was also the initiator of the creation of “Center of Supercomputer Calculations and Data” in Ukraine.
Today, the main goal of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is the training of highly qualified specialists, and to do research for “breakthrough” in such economic development priorities:
- Modern technology in the field of computer science, mechanical engineering, chemistry and materials science;
- Information networks and information communication technologies;
- The problem of energy saving and the development of energy-saving technologies;
- Monitoring and protection of the environment;
- Elimination of the consequences of nuclear and man-made disasters;
- Space and aviation technologies;
- The exploration and use of human resources;
- Medical Engineering;
Systems analysis and decision-making.

The university has more than two dozen educational institutes and faculties, several research institutes, and scientific centers (of development and engineering, etc.), which carry out large-scale international cooperation. The joint activities of the team at all levels and in all divisions – from departments to departments, from the Student Council to the Scientific Council allow you to realize the role of the university – as an active driver of the international development of education and science. International Collaboration Department, as the coordinating center for international activities of the university, relies on the work of joint international structures, centers, laboratories, specialized advisory and working commissions operating on a voluntary basis, namely:
- Council of Deputy Directors of Institutes, Representatives from Faculties for International Activities.
- Central Administration Group of International Offers.
- Working Group on Ensuring Positive Dynamics of University Parameters in World Rankings.
- Commission on the deepening of the internationalization of the university.
- Overseas Travel Commission.
- Secretariat of the National Nomination Committee of Ukraine for the Nobel Foundation for Sustainable Development Prize.
- More than 70 joint international structures, centers, laboratories.
- Center for International Education.
International and national rankings show progress in education and science. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is included in 4% of the best universities in the world according to the international ratings QS and Webometrics. Annually occupies the highest positions in the ratings of higher educational institutions of Ukraine “Compass” and “TOP-200 Ukraine.” The most popular on the Internet higher educational institution of Ukraine in recent years, according to Google Corporation.