ICD news

International Institute of Welding position on the situation in Ukraine


The International Institute of Welding is a non-profit distributing organization acting as the worldwide network for knowledge exchange of joining technologies to improve the global quality of life. IIW does not engage in any commercial activity and is a non-political and non-governmental organization based in Italy.

The International Institute of Welding is deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine as it is significantly affecting lives and stands in solidarity with the people of the country. IIW is a strong believer that the culture of science is borderless and supports the role of scientists and industry in helping a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The International Institute of Welding will continue to act as an international open network for the international welding community, regardless of their nationality.

The International Institute of Welding recommends that:

  • IIW Member Societies and the IIW community consider actions to support their colleagues within the welding scientific and technical community of Ukraine;
  • IIW temporarily suspends issuing of IIW Diplomas and certificated Certificates, and the delivery of IIW Products in the Russian Federation;
  • any IIW Event in the Russian Federation be temporarily suspended.

ІIW will continue to monitor the situation and adjust its position as appropriate.