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SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme

An annual call for proposals under SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme funded by Swedish Institute in now open.

There are two different types of grants for cooperation in the Baltic Sea region:

Seed funding aims to lay the foundation for cooperation. For example, projects can use seed funding to prepare applications for new funding (mainly EU); develop concepts and identify partners for future cooperation.

Grant amount: SEK 100 000 – SEK 400 000
Project duration:  6 – 15 months

Cooperation projects aim to deepen and further develop cooperation.

Grant amount: SEK 500 000 – SEK 1,000,000
Project duration:  12 – 24 months

Deadline: September 17, 2024.

On June 11 and August 14 Swedish Institute delivers information sessions for those who plan to apply for the funding.

More information is available at

Note: the call during summer 2024 is only for the grant type seed funding.