Kyiv Polytechnic Energy Innovation Hub: year of achievements, new opportunities
The Centre for Energy Decarbonisation and the Energy Innovation Hub at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are in good progress, applying innovative solutions and strengthening partnerships. The Hub has achieved several strategic successes in just over a year since its establishment.
One of the major events was the signing of a memorandum on cooperation between Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and GIZ, Germany’s service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, in February 2024. This partnership opens up new opportunities for the development of energy-efficient technologies and the sustainable recovery of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.
Team’s achievements and new projects
The Centre’s young team, led by Inna Bilous, Associate Professor at the Kyiv Polytechnic’s Department of Thermal and Alternative Energy, won a youth research competition and secured funding for the project “Elaboration of Package of Recommendations for Renovation of Historical Buildings to Achieve nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) Indicators Based on Energy Modelling.”
The research will focus on Kyiv Polytechnic’s Building No. 6, which houses the Hub.
In addition, cooperation with BOSCH and Viessmann has resumed, enabling the reactivation of laboratory benches. In the near future, these benches will once again be used by Kyiv Polytechnic students in the learning process.
Other major achievements of the Centre for Energy Decarbonisation include:
- A display stand provided by HERZ.
- Digital scanning of the Hub space to create a BIM (Building Information Model).
- Completion of the project “Development of Intelligent Low-Temperature Heat Supply System for Buildings Based on Condensing Modular Boiler,” resulting in the installation of a prototype intelligent condensing modular boiler unit in the Centre.
Infrastructure development
The latest significant event was the receipt of modern energy audit equipment from GIZ partners under the project “Engaging Girls and Women in Ukraine’s Energy Efficient Recovery through Training in Energy Efficiency,” carried out by the NGO International Foundation of Development. This will greatly enhance the Hub’s training and research capabilities.
Yet, this is only the beginning. The road ahead promises even more new projects, collaborations, and innovations, shaping a brighter, more sustainable future for Ukraine.

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