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Next lecture from the Academy of Digital Technologies and Entrepreneurship GISU 2024


We apologize, but as per the organizers, the date of this masterclass will be postponed to September 2024.


We invite you to attend the lecture “SDG Impact: A Masterclass on THE Impact Rankings with Western Sydney University”, which will be delivered by Dr. Jen Dollin and Professor Kevin Dunn on Wednesday, 8 May, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm (Beijing time).

This masterclass ptogram shares insights and offers tools for Alliance members to navigate the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings. These rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across four broad areas: research, stewardship, outreach and teaching. The 2023 Impact Rankings is the fifth edition, and the overall ranking includes 1,705 universities from 115 countries and regions. Currently over 40% (9) of the 22 Alliance members participate in the THE Impact Rankings. Western Sydney University has consistently ranked in the top 20 of these rankings since their inception 5 years ago and is currently ranked #1 for the second year in a row. This program offers members insight for leaders on how to navigate this complex ranking, encouragement to enter the ranking and tips to improve rankings: Methodology and assessment; Structure of Western’s application; Underlying institutional strengths: education and partnerships; Reflection on the process: KD: and member discussion: facilitated JD. Propgram participants will have a takeaway home checklist to support further application planning and implementation in their home institution.

Dr. Jen Dollin is the Director of Sustainability Education and Partnerships in the Office of the Pro- Vice Chancellor Education Quality and Partnerships. Dr. Dollin provides leadership and oversight of Western’s institutional sustainability and resilience decadal strategy and educational offerings including alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2030 agenda. She has over 20 years’ experience of working with grassroots community groups and developing participatory, innovative approaches to collaborating with diverse human and more-than-human communities. Her research interests include multispecies ethnography, transdisciplinary learning, ecofeminism and empowering students and communities to make positive change. She lives and works on Dharug Country in Western Sydney and spends much of her time in and along the Dyarubbin – Hawkesbury River.