ICD news

Summer School “Artificial Intelligence 2024: Present and Future”

How can we leverage neurotechnologies, large language models, create new content formats, and use artificial intelligence to solve practical tasks?

The summer school “Artificial Intelligence 2024: Present and Future” recently took place at KPI, gathering around 200 participants over four days to enhance their skills in generative artificial intelligence -one of the most trending areas that is now finding applications in almost every industry.

This is the second summer school hosted by the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering, dedicated to the latest achievements in AI, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the AI/GenAI field, and promoting its development at KPI.

The program included lectures, workshops, presentations, and practical cases focused on applying GenAI to solve real-world problems.

Faculty members, students, alumni, and invited experts from leading global companies such as Zvook, DataRoot Labs, Samsung R&D Institute Ukraine, Sigma Software, Anima, a-Gnostics, Skylum Software, and others shared their knowledge, experiences, visions, and ideas.

To see how the school unfolded, hear participant impressions, and learn about the knowledge they gained, watch the video.