Chapter on key financial challenges and threats is out
In October 2024, Springer, a world leading research and educational publisher, released the chapter, Financial Challenges and Threats of Circular Economy Logistics, under the editorship of Claudia Capozza from the Italy’s University of Bari Aldo Moro; Anatoliy Mokiy from the Dolishny Institute of Regional Studies under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Olha Ilyash, professor at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute; Iryna Zvarych and Ivan Vankevych from the West Ukrainian National University. The chapter of the monograph, Systemic Risk and Complex Networks in Modern Financial Systems (Editor Vincenzo Pacelli), explores the economic aspects related to circular economy logistics and highlights the key financial challenges and threats that organizations may face when transitioning to a circular economy business model. This open access publication is a part of the book series: New Economic Windows.