Cooperation with the US,  ICD news

KPI will implement new research projects with the support of DAI Global LCC

A representative of the USA company DAI Global LCC (DAI), Michael Pillsbury, Senior Advisor for Workforce Development, visited Kyiv Polytechnic.

The participants of the meeting discussed a number of important issues, including the problem of shortage of workers and specialists in many industries, including education, because of full-scale invasion.

Rector of KPI Anatoliy Melnychenko and Vice-Rector for International Relations Andriy Shysholin spoke about the efforts aimed at ensuring the educational process in the face of modern challenges; new priority areas and directions of KPI’s activities; training of specialists who will soon rebuild Ukraine.

 DAI Global LCC (DAI) is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the organization has been actively engaged in strengthening the sustainability of Ukraine’s economy, namely small and medium-sized enterprises; provides support to affected cities and territorial communities, as well as educational institutions to rebuild and expand the potential of our country.