Kyiv Polytechnic ranks among world’s best in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025
The Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has reaffirmed its status as one of Ukraine’s leading higher education institutions (HEIs), further strengthening its position in the international academic community. According to the results of the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025, Kyiv Polytechnic not only retained its position in a key discipline but also ranked in Economics & Econometrics for the first time.
In the 2025 edition of the rankings, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is recognised among the world’s best universities in seven subjects across three broad subject areas. In particular, its debut in Economics & Econometrics resulted in the category of 551-700, while it retained its position in the category of 351-400 in Mechanical Engineering.
Overall, QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025 feature 55 individual subjects across 5 broad subject areas, with 1,559 institutions included.
This year 11 Ukrainian universities ranked in 16 subjects – an improvement, compared with eight universities ranked in 14 subjects in the 2024 edition. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has increased its presence to 7 subjects across 3 broad subject areas:
Engineering & Technology (first position in the rankings among Ukrainian universities, global rank = 380):
- Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing (first among Ukrainian universities, global rank – 351-400)
- Electrical & Electronic (placed in the category of 401-450) – the only university from Ukraine ranked in this narrow subject;
- Chemical (401-450) – the sole representative from Ukraine;
- Computer Science & Information Systems (451-500).
Natural Sciences:
- Materials Science (401-550);
- Physics & Astronomy (601-675).
Social Sciences & Management:
- Economics & Econometrics (551-700).
It is worth noting that QS uses five key metrics to compile the subject rankings:
- Academic Reputation: Drawing on responses from more than 100,000 international academics, this key indicator demonstrates which universities other academics consider to be excellent for research in the given area;
- Employer Reputation: This indicator draws from the survey responses of over 50,000 graduate employers worldwide;
- Citations per Paper: All citation data is sourced from Elsevier Scopus, this metric reflecting the research impact and quality of institutions;
- H-Index: This index quantifies a researcher’s scholarly output and influence by tallying their most-cited works and the corresponding citation count;
- International Research Network: The IRN Index reflects the ability of institutions to diversify the geography of their international research network by establishing sustainable research partnerships with other HEIs and resulting in co-authored publications.
More information: https://www.topuniversities.com/subject-rankings

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