ATHENA webinar “Science meets Art: time for dualism to be abandoned”
Dear colleagues, today, at 12.00 Kyiv time, the ATHENA Alliance will host a webinar on Science meets Art: time for dualism to be abandoned. We invite you, your colleagues and students.You can join us by following the link: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87618228257?pwd%3DYVRSenZTc2FTTmZNaTNQRG5SVkhudz09&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw3Fy8U9SxRGtkYL4GdaFIcx Meeting ID: 876 1822 8257 Passcode: 424664
The ATHENATHON is back !
Dear – ATHENATHLETES! Alliance of European universities ATHENS is pleased to announce that the third edition of the ATHENATHON, our green sporting event, is launching on 9 May 2023 for Europe Day! The event will last until 9 June 2023. – – We invite everyone to join us in reaching the combined distance between all our partners and associated partners: 13,000km. Last year, we…
To attention of foreign students of Igor Sikorsky KPI
Dear students of the preparatory department, students – foreigners, interns! Let us inform you that due to the ongoing legal regime of martial law in Ukraine and in accordance with the order of # 50/2022 from 09.03.2022 – vacations in Igor Sikorsky KPI continue until April 1, 2022. Relevant changes were made to the Order…