ICD news

Renewal of science and innovation in Ukraine

On June 2, 2022, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Literature, the ALLEA European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities and the Royal Society met in Warsaw.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and agree on steps to build a robust system of science, innovation, research, and training in Ukraine. The ten actions outlined below are practical steps that can be taken by the scientific communities of countries and those around the world. Although some actions may be achieved shortly, others will depend on the development of the military and security situation in Ukraine.

  1. Support institutional branches in Ukraine for Ukrainian researchers on temporary assignments abroad to encourage repatriation after the cessation of hostilities and improve the overall situation.
  2. The development of specific funding programs is aimed at early career researchers from Ukraine and their teams, including those using remote working arrangements.
  3. Create joint research funding programs for international teams with researchers working in Ukraine.
  4. Provide access to specialized research facilities abroad, especially those that duplicate Ukrainian facilities damaged or destroyed during hostilities.
  5. Provide Ukrainian scientific institutions with remote free access to scientific journals.
  6. Exemption from payment of fees for processing articles (APC), membership fees in scientific organizations and fees for participation in conferences for researchers and research organizations in Ukraine.
  7. Establishing brainstorming activities for Ukrainian researchers to establish links and mutual learning with colleagues and organizations in the international scientific community.
  8. Donation to Ukrainian institutions of necessary and still usable laboratory and research equipment to replace those destroyed during the war.
  9. Plan for the post-war restoration of Ukraine’s science, taking into account the future needs of the nation, including the modernization of Ukrainian research, innovation in the early stages and education.
  10. Establish a focal point to maximize impact, minimize redundancy and the use of synergies, and address issues related to junior and senior researchers.

Source: https://www.nationalacademies.org/news/2022/06/action-steps-for-rebuilding-ukraines-science-research-and-innovation