Horizon Europe,  ICD news

Commission is shaping up €500M generative artificial intelligence calls

Artificial intelligence is on the menu this week as David Matthews, International Editor at Science|Business, reveals the European Commission’s plan for a €500 million call for generative AI projects in next year’s Horizon Europe work programme. Delving further into AI, the Funding Radar rounds up other grants on offer for AI research.

The European Research Council’s budget is set to rise next year and last week saw the publication of the first 2025 call for €751 million in Starting Grants, to be awarded to researchers who completed their PhD two to seven years ago.

Elsewhere, Science|Business editors examine the implications of an agreement the European Investment Fund and the NATO innovation fund signed last week to work together on moves to attract private capital into start-ups, SMEs and midcaps in the defence and security sector.

In his regular Ecosystem column, Ian Mundell, a journalist who specialises in research and higher education, looks at how entrepreneur in residence schemes are bringing seasoned entrepreneurs onto campuses to inspire would-be innovators.

The Data Corner has an analysis of the European Innovation Scoreboard rankings from 2017 to 2024, showing there has been little movement up the innovation categories in the past eight years.

Finally, Insider’s View describes how the German Research Foundation’s bottom-up approach encourages cross-border research cooperation.

Articles featured in the Funding Newswire are available for individual subscribers or members of the Science|Business Network.

Source: Science|Business