ICD news

Kyiv Polytechnic, USAID, and partners strengthen Ukraine’s cyber resilience

The Educational and Research Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute opened a training Laboratory of Cybersecurity of Automated Control Systems with the support of the USAID Project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine.”

Julie Koenen, Mission Director for USAID Ukraine, personally attended the laboratory opening.

The cutting-edge laboratory will help future and current operators responsible for critical infrastructure improve their skills to reduce and eliminate vulnerabilities in automated control systems. This is now possible because the newly created laboratory virtually duplicates the environment of an industrial control system, simulating real-life situations in various sectors such as manufacturing, water supply, and utilities.

‘Today, such specialists are in great demand at enterprises in various industries in Ukraine. Therefore, the newest laboratory and its equipment will help future specialists master advanced cybersecurity methods and solutions with a focus on assessing the vulnerabilities of public and private critical infrastructure. Moreover, thanks to the creation of this laboratory, our university will develop separate training modules within the framework of educational and certificate programs,’ said Anatolii Melnychenko, Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Partners also joined the opening of the laboratory: Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine for Science and Innovation Denys Kurbatov, Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Serhiy Demediuk, and Head of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine Yuriy Myronenko.

This multilateral cooperation will contribute to the effective training of future cybersecurity professionals who will increase our country’s cyber resilience.