Cooperation with France,  Erasmus+,  ICD news

Kyiv Polytechnic delegation visits ENSTA to discuss new сollaborative projects

Recently, a delegation from the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute visited France to discuss future projects with representatives of the ENSTA Paris (École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées). As a member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and included in the ecosystems of the Paris-Saclay campus in Palaiseau and its Brest campus, ENSTA has over 2,000 students, 200 professors and 300 PhD students, nine research laboratories, some 30 joint chairs and laboratories, and a community of 20,000 alumni.

The Kyiv Polytechnic delegation included Sergii Stirenko, Vice-Rector for Research; Yuri Gordienko, Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering; and Olga Ogurtsova, Associate Professor at the Department of English for Humanities.

It is worth noting too that Sergii Stirenko and Yuri Gordiienko spent two weeks at ENSTA Paris, specifically at the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering (U2IS) on the ENSTA campus in Paris-Saclay. Meanwhile, Olga Ogurtsova has been working with Ms. Sinead Namur, Head of Languages, Culture & Communication Department at ENSTA Paris, over the course of a month.

The partnership will also enable the exchange of best practices in the area of engineering through funding provided by the ERASMUS+ Key Action 171 Programme, supporting the mobility of Kyiv Polytechnic students and staff. In addition, this funding will facilitate the implementation of a double degree program, fostering deeper ties between Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and ENSTA.

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