Допомога вченим і аспірантам,  Новини ДМС

Пропозиції для викладачів і дослідників з України від Варшавської політехніки


Шановні друзі з українських партнерських університетів!

  У додатку до цього листа ви знайдете список пропозицій короткострокової та довгострокової підтримки, яку ви можете отримати від факультетів Варшавської Політехніки. Ми віримо, що ваше перебування за кордоном буде тимчасовим і ви будете мати можливість повернутися до своїх українських підрозділів, щоб підтримати та відбудувати свою країну. Проте ми
розуміємо, що зараз деяким із вас потрібна допомога. Сподіваємося, що запропоновані нами місця для тимчасової роботи, коли ви не на батьківщині, допоможуть вам пережити цей непростий час і у подальшому наша співпраця продовжиться.

  Факультети  нашого університету надають  інформацію щодо контактної особи відповідного підрозділу або вакантної посади.  Дані пропозиції – це лише вакантні посади і у кожного
кандидата може бути свій індивідуальний випадок, що у тому числі враховує нострифікацію диплому.
Водночас ми зробимо все можливе, щоб знайти певне рішення і допомогти кожному із вас. Ми заявляємо, що подвійна приналежність (афіляція) до вашого вітчизняного університету може бути гарантована.

Ви  можете зв’язатися з нами електронною поштою: solidarni@pw.edu.pl

Наш університет допомагає в організації транспорту для переїзду  з польського кордону до Варшави. Також ми будемо намагатись вам  допомогти з тимчасовим проживанням. Якщо вам потрібна  у цьому допомога,  то  будь ласка, заповніть  форму за посиланням:
https://forms.office.com/r/cxTYmN14rh [1]

  Детальніше інформацію щодо допомоги спільноти Варшавського політехніки для України можна знайти за посиланням:

Від імені академічної спільноти Варшавської Політехніки

з повагою,

проф. Дмитро Самойленко


Warsaw, 25 March 2022


Possibilities of employment in Warsaw University of Technology for scientists from partner universities in Ukraine


Dear Friends of WUT partner institutions,


Below you will find a list of short-term and long-term support options that we have discovered from WUT faculties. We believe that your stay with us will be short to be able to return to your Ukrainian units to support and rebuild your country. However, we understand that now some of you need help. We hope that these jobs and places for temporary work when you are not in your homeland will help you pass through this difficult time and we will continue our cooperation in the future. 


For each faculty/position, you will find contacts to the appropriate unit or person. Every offer is just a vacant position; each candidate can have a different case referring to, i.e. nostrification; however, in each case, we will do our best to find some solution to help our colleagues from partner institutions. We declare that doubleaffiliation with your current university can be guaranteed.


We also invite you to contact us through mail: solidarni@pw.edu.pl


Our university also helps organize transport from the Polish border, and we will also try to help with temporary accommodation. If you need this kind of support, please fill the following form in Ukrainian language  https://forms.office.com/r/cxTYmN14rh


More details about support from the Warsaw University of Technology community for Ukraine can be found here: https://www.pw.edu.pl/PW-solidarna-z-Ukraina-PW-na-znak-solidarnosti-z-Ukrayinoyu   




Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences…………………………………………………… 2

Faculty of Architecture…………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering…………………………… 2

Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering……………………… 3

Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering……………………………………………………. 4

Faculty of Chemistry……………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Faculty of Civil Engineering………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Faculty of Electrical Engineering……………………………………………………………………. 5

Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology……………………………………………. 5

Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography……………………………………………………………….. 5

Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science……………………………………………….. 6

Faculty of Management………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering……………………………………………………. 6

Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering………………………………………………. 7

Faculty of Mechatronics……………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Faculty of Physics……………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering…………………………………………………. 8

Faculty of Transport…………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry (in Plock)………………….. 9




Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences

Contact: krzysztof.urbaniak@pw.edu.pl



  • the possibility of providing workspace for people in social sciences (legal sciences, economics, sociology, administrative sciences and public policies) and humanities (philosophy, history).


  • Positions for more advanced researchers in the current scientific project might be possible


Faculty of Architecture

Contact: jerzy.grochulski@pw.edu.pl, ewa.maszke@pw.edu.pl 



  • possibility of own workspace for Ukrainian scientists and academic teachers – room, desk, computer for 4-5 people, discipline Architecture and Urban Planning Long-term
  • Positions for more advanced researchers in current scientific projects might be a possible administrative or technical employee. Basic requirements WORLD, EXEL, Polish language required in speaking and writing
  • conservator with construction skills (with particular emphasis on renovation and glazing)


Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering

Contact: dziekan.simr@pw.edu.pl 


 workplaces for 4 scientists from Ukraine,available specialisations: vehicle mechatronics, machine diagnostics, internal combustion engine control, reliability analysis, autonomous vehicles (including navigation), fluid mechanics, controller programming, hydrogen drives. The opportunity to conduct classes in English with the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics supports the implementation of subjects in programming microprocessors and autonomous vehicles.


  • 1 research and didactic employee at the Department of Mechanics in the field of mechanics and strength of materials required English 
  • 1 research and didactic employee at the Department of Manufacturing Techniques in the field of metrology required language Polish and indicated English
  • 1 research and didactic employee at the Department of Fundamentals of Construction and Operation of

Machines in  the field of basics of machine construction required language Polish and indicated English

  • 1 research and didactic employee (assistant) at the Department of Tractors and Hydraulic Drives knowledge of issues related to the mechatronics of motor vehicles, diagnostics of mechatronic systems, control of internal combustion engines and programming of their controllers, modelling of mechatronic systems, conducting and analysing research experiments, mechanics and machine construction; knowledge of programming environments and languages: Matlab/Simulink, Amesim, LabVIEW; programming skills drivers in C, Polish and English.
  • 1 researcher and didactic employee (assistant professor), Approximate profile of the candidate: fluent knowledge of issues related to mechatronics of motor vehicles, autonomous vehicles (e.g. navigation), diagnostics of mechatronic systems, in particular internal combustion engine power systems, control of internal combustion engines and programming of their controllers, modelling of mechatronic systems, conducting and analysing research experiments, mechanics and machine construction, programming of internal combustion engine systems microprocessor. Polish and English language required.
  • 2 research and teaching staff employees, research topics of scientists from Ukraine should concern the construction, design, production or operation of rail vehicles senko@pw.edu.pl
  • 3 engineering and technical staff employees (machining, 3D printing, vehicle mechanics, testing machine)


Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

Contact: dziekan.wibhis@pw.edu.pl 



 several vacancies (computer, desk) at the faculty in the discipline of environmental engineering, water engineering, civil engineering, chemistry



  • 1 position of didactic and research assistant in the discipline of environmental or civil engineering, higher education in the field of energy, electrical engineering, automation and robotics; knowledge of issues related to automation and control; knowledge of the Matlab Simulink environment, Polish language required,
  • 1 doctor/professor higher education in the field of environmental engineering or energy or mechanics and mechanical engineering, knowledge of issues related to the basics of mechanical structures, engineering graphics, technical drawing,
  • 1 doctor/professor, higher education in the fields of environmental engineering or energy or mechanics and mechanical engineering and having the degree of doctor of engineering and technical sciences, knowledge of issues related to heat and energy transfer and thermodynamics, required degree of at least doctor, needed the Polish language as well, 
  • 1 long-term chemist technician, technical requirements/engineer/master in chemistry, a document confirming completion of technical secondary school or higher chemical studies, Polish or English required,
  • Research and didactic assistant, completion of higher education and obtaining a master’s degree or equivalent title in the field of biological sciences: biotechnology, biology and related; requirements: very good knowledge of English in speaking and writing; knowledge of issues related to environmental biology, including microbiological monitoring of water quality and the ground-water environment; knowledge of issues related to biotechnological processes used in engineering and environmental protection, including soil biodegradation; very good knowledge of molecular biology techniques; experience in conducting laboratory classes,
  • 1 position of assistant professor, required at least the degree of doctor of technical sciences; area of didactic and scientific activity: water supply and sewage networks, Polish or English required, area of didactic and scientific activity: water treatment technology and wastewater treatment technology; design of water treatment plants and sewage treatment plants


Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering

Contact: sekretariat@ichip.pw.edu.pl


A detailed offer will be available soon. Faculty might invite some researchers to work in current scientific projects.


Faculty of Chemistry

Contact: ewa.kowalska@pw.edu.pl


  • places for 10 scientists in chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, chemistry or physics to conduct their research Long-term
  • 5 researchers and academic teachers, laboratory personnel in Molecular Biotechnology, Microbiology and Bioengineering, Systems and Synthetic Biology, Medical Chemistry; activity:
    1. research related to mammalian cell cultures, mastered biochemical methods (western blot) and fluorescence microscopy, Didactic support in running laboratories: biochemistry, basic microbiological techniques, molecular biology, enzymology.
    2. studies focused on the practical use of microorganisms (yeast, lactic acid bacteria); research in the field of microbiology, biotechnology and genetic engineering of microorganisms
    3. biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, computer modelling, work with DNA, RNA, proteins, microorganisms, bioinformatics work with models of metabolic pathways. Didactic support in English-language classes.
    4. organic synthesis (synthesis of derivatives of nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds), possible didactics from organic chemistry in the Polish language in future. Polish or English required  5 researchers in Physical chemistry, work in projects, activity: 
    5. Organic synthesis and molecular spectroscopy (UV-Vis, NMR)
    6. Synthesis and fungicidal properties of benzoxaborols, English required



Faculty of Civil Engineering

contact: Jan Król, vice-dean, email, jan.krol@pw.edu.pl, office: mgr Ewa Rżysko, email: ewa.rzysko@pw.edu.pl   



  • The Faculty has a room on the 6th floor in the centre of Warsaw of about 40 m2 and is ready to create a space for scientific work in this room for scientists and academic teachers from Ukraine. Preferred discipline Civil Engineering and Transport (Civil, Industrial, Road, Rail, etc.).
  • 3 workstations for individual work it is possible to use your laptops and use the departmental Wi-Fi or the Eduroam international network. The room is available immediately, the target stangle: the possibility of setting up to 6 desks


   Institute of Building Technology might include some researchers in the field of Civil, Industrial, Road, Rail, etc. or in current scientific projects


Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Contact: biuro.dziekana.ee@pw.edu.pl 


A detailed offer will be available soon. Faculty might include some researchers in current scientific projects.


Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology



  • 9 places at desktop computers in the WEiTI Library and in the reading room access to several places with the possibility of working with your laptop
  • several places for own work at the Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technologies will be able to offer in laboratories of the following topics: microwave technology, numerical methods and digital processing of measurement signals, analysis and processing of signals, including images; complex and hyper composed signals (quaternion, octonion), programmable FPGA systems and video compression, acoustics
  • 2-3 places to work without computers, topics: biomedical eng. and technical inf.
  • The Institute of Computer Science immediately offers access to the room with access to 1 workplace for own work: a computer and the Internet in the student laboratory.
  • For casual work related to renovations (such as painting), the Institute may employ 1-2 people on a part-time basis for several months, arabas@pw.edu.pl,




  • 1 researcher at the Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technologies in a scientific project in the field of microwave technology, Bajurko@ire.pw.edu.pl,
  • 1 part-time teaching staff in the field of conducting didactic classes in the field of basics of programming in Java in Polish, numerical methods in English, Bajurko@ire.pw.edu.pl,
  • 8 research and teaching employees at the Institute of Automation and Applied Computer Science in the speciality: data analysis, cybersecurity, ICT, computer science, operations research, computer networks, artificial intelligence, discrete mathematics. Polish and English required. siuzdak@tele.pw.edu.pl,
  • 2 employees for scientific projects, specialisation: telecommunications, IT, 5G/6G systems. Polish and/or English required,
  • 1 administrative person at the Institute of Automation and Applied Computer Science. Polish required. Link to the announcement: https://www.bip.pw.edu.pl/Praca-w-Politechnice/Dla-nie-


  • 3-4 academic teachers (assistants, assistant professors) in Institute of Automation and Applied Computer Science in a field of discipline technical informatics and telecommunications; arabas@pw.edu.pl,


Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Contact: Krzysztof Bakuła; vice-dean, email: dziekan.studenci.gik@pw.edu.pl 



  • in the Department of Geodesy and Measurement Systems, we will find a place to work for a scientist from Ukraine,
  • in the Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and SIP, we can offer a place (desk and computer equipment with access to specialised software) for 3 scientists from Ukraine,
  • at the Faculty in the laboratory for doctoral students, we can arrange 2 places for daily jobs for scientists from Ukraine operating in geomatics, geospatial engineering, geodesy and cartography.



  • 1 Researcher and didactic employee in the field of surveying and broadly understood measurement geodesy, Polish language required,
  • 1 scientific and didactic staff in the field of Higher Geodesy, satellite, compensatory calculus and geodetic calculations, Polish language required,
  • 1 Researcher and teacher in the field of geographic information systems, spatial information systems, Polish language required,
  • 1 research and didactic employee for an architect/urban planner in Department of Spatial Management and Environmental Sciences, Polish language required,
  • 4 Researchers in geomatics or computer science: neural networks, machine learning, programming skills, e.g. python in projects using remote sensing data, 3D interior modelling, UAV, English or Polish required.


Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science

Contact: Krzysztof Kaczmarski, vice-dean, krzysztof.kaczmarski@pw.edu.pl 




  • 1 person with a degree of at least a doctor for didactic and research (or only didactic) work in the field of mathematics, knowledge of English and Polish required,
  • 1 person with at least a doctoral degree for a scientific project and for didactic and research and didactic work in machine learning, deep learning and data science, knowledge of English or Polish is required,
  • 1 researcher with a degree of at least a master’s degree in computer science with knowledge of at least 2 fields in the given subject: programming languages C, C++, C#, operating systems, Linux programming, windows programming, databases, big data systems,
  • 2 people for a didactic position within the scope of the faculty’s activities, Polish or English required,  Partners of the Faculty (Betacom S.A. + Jeronimo Martins Polska and the Łukasiewicz Institute of Logistics and Storage, Control System Software and the Institute of Systems Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences) vacancies for people familiar with broadly understood artificial intelligence, and more precisely with optimisation (heuristics, metaheuristics) as well as data analysis and machine learning okulewicz@pw.edu.pl 


Faculty of Management

Contact: Grzegorz Kunikowski, Vice-dean, Grzegorz.Kunikowski@pw.edu.pl 


  • one working place for a scientist from Ukraine

Long term

  • 1 person with good English to support the dissemination of the results of the ENHANCERIA project

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Contact: dr inż. Rafał Wróblewski, vice-dean, rafal.wroblewski@pw.edu.pl 


    In the WIM library, we have 4 computers that can be used during the library’s opening hours. In the reading room, some tables are at constant disposal for individual work.  The ability to provide an internet connection to people with their laptops.



 A detailed offer will be available soon. Faculty might include some researchers in current scientific projects.


Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Contact: Rafał Świercz, Vice-dean, rafal.swiercz@pw.edu.pl 



  • The Institute of Mechanics and Printing, Department of Printing Technologies will provide a place to work for 2 scientists from Ukraine operating in the field of broadly understood printing technology, petriaszwili@pw.edu.pl,
  • The Institute of Organization of Production Systems will provide a place for own work for 4 scientists – openness to cooperation in the field of Management and quality sciences, Mechanical engineering, Logistics, iosp@pw.edu.pl,



  • 3 research and didactic posts at the Institute of Organization of Production Systems for employees with habilitation. The scientific profile of the candidates should be related to the department’s specialities: management and organisation of production, logistics, production engineering, industrial engineering and management, engineering management, operations and services management, technology management. Polish and English spoken and written are required. The proposed employment concerns the following units:
    1. 1 research and didactic position in the Dept. of Management and Quality,
    2. 1 research and didactic position in the Dept. of Information Technology,
    3. 1 research and didactic position in the Dept. of Production Processes and logistics.
  • 1 administrative employee at the Institute for the Organization of Production Systems – conducting administrative support for the Institute, student service. Very good knowledge of Polish and English spoken and written is required iosp@pw.edu.pl,


Faculty of Mechatronics

Contact: Sergiusz.Luczak@pw.edu.pl, igor.korobiichuk@pw.edu.pl  

 Short-term and Long-term


  • 1 specialist in the field of mechanics, strength of materials and computer techniques (MES, ANSYS) on research and teaching (or teaching only) position in The Micromechanics and Photonics Institute (imif@pw.edu.pl)
  • 1 assistant professor and 1 assistant, specialists in the field of optics or photonic engineering in research and teaching (or teaching only) positions in The Micromechanics and Photonics Institute (sekretriat.imif@pw.edu.pl); Polish or English required
  • 1 assistant professor and 1 assistant – specialists in the fields of Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering, in The Micromechanics and Photonics Institute (sekretriat.imif@pw.edu.pl);
  • 1 assistant professor (teaching) and 1 teaching assistant – specialists in the field of mechanical engineering– English is required; The Micromechanics and Photonics Institute (sekretriat.imif@pw.edu.pl);
  • 1 professor, 2 assistant professors (one of them could have DSc degree), 1-2 assistants; research and teaching positions for specialists in the field of Automation, Robotics and Industrial IT in the Automatics and Robotics Institute (iair@pw.edu.pl); Polish language warmly welcome

Faculty of Physics

Contact: dziekan.wf@pw.edu.pl 


A detailed offer will be available soon. Faculty might include some researchers in current scientific projects.

Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering

Contact:  tomasz.grabowski@pw.edu.pl


  • the possibility of creating a space for own work in Institute of Aviation Technology and Mechanics

Suitable for Ukrainian scientists and academic teachers in the Department of Aircraft and Helicopters – 2-4 persons, in the Department of Strength of Materials and Structures – 1 person, in the Department of

Automation and Aviation Equipment –2 people, in the Department of Theory of Machines and Robots – 1 person, itlims@meil.pw.edu.pl,

  • a place to work for 2 scientists/academic teachers in the field of aviation aerodynamics, environmental and urban aerodynamics in the Department of Aerodynamics at the Institute of Aviation Technology and Relevant Mechanics, in the field of theoretical/computational/experimental fluid mechanics, numerical methods in mechanics and physics. itlims@meil.pw.edu.pl,
  • the possibility of creating a space for own work for 10 persons who specialized in Energetic, 1 person in a field of electronics, microprocessor techniques at Institute of Thermal Technology, milewski.phd@gmail.com, tadeusz.skoczkowski@pw.edu.pl    


  • Scientific and didactic staff at the Institute of Aviation Technology and Relevant Mechanics in the following departments with the subject matter and requirements:
    1. Department of Aircraft and Helicopters – long-term due to the planned new specialities, primarily the language is Polish, keywords are: aircraft operation and unmanned aerial vehicles
    2. Department of Strength of Materials and Structures – 1 person (strength of materials and structures, MES, PL/ENG language)
    3. Department of Aviation Automation and Equipment – specialists in the field of avionics (aviation electronics), aerospace systems and rotorcraft
    4. Department of Theory of Machines and Robots (1 person) to conduct didactic classes in the field of Control Theory, Embedded Systems (in English), Biomechanics and Biomechanics (in both Polish and English), Mechanical Design in Robotics 
    5. Department of Mechanics – 1 person in the field of subjects conducted in Broadly understood mechanics and flight mechanics. It is necessary to know Polish and English.
    6. Department of Aerodynamics – 1 person with a PhD, conducting classes at English-language studies (ACFD, Fluid Mechanics 3), the profile of scientific and didactic activity of the candidate should include the issues of aerodynamics and/or fluid mechanics (in particular gas dynamics), numerical methods and related fields, English required
  • specialists in the field of UAV, avionics, inertial systems, hardware programming, aircraft structures, space and satellite technologies, rocket technologies, artificial intelligence for part-time agreement in Department of Mechanics, glebocki@pw.edu.pl


  • PhD students to the Department of Aerodynamics for projects financed from National Science Centre szumbarski@pw.edu.pl)
    1. post-doc in a research project, PhD required, kapusta@pw.edu.pl       
  • 2 people in the position of constructor in a research project, English language required kapusta@pw.edu.pl    
  • Scientific and didactic staff in the field of energy machinery and equipment, power engineering at the

Institute of Thermal Technology, English required, jaroslaw.milewski.phd@gmail.com

  • Researchers in the scientific project in a field of hydrogen technologies, jaroslaw.milewski.phd@gmail.com,
  • technical staff in avionics, operating CNC machine tools and performing details at the workshop, a person to operate in the centre in Przasnysz (knowledge of the operation of the equipment collected there and care for it). glebocki@pw.edu.pl)
  • 1 person for administration – conducting administrative support for the institute’s work. Language Polish and English, readiness to learn and openness to contacts, knowledge of Office.


Faculty of Transport

Contact: emilian.szczepanski@pw.edu.pl   



                         A workroom for about 2-3 people is available at the Faculty for their work  


Long term


    1 researcher and didactic employee specialising in the discipline of civil engineering (preferred transport engineering) in transport issues, including, for example, design and organisation of transport systems: automotive, rail, air, internal transport, construction of means of transportation, telecommunications in transport, safety in transport, organisation and planning of road, rail, air and internal transport, systems mechatronics, mechanical and IT in transport. Requirement: English.


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry (in Plock)

Contact: Andrzej Marciniak, vice-dean, andrzej.marciniak@pw.edu.pl


  • the possibility of providing workspace for people in the field of work comparable to Faculty profile
  • short-term employment of 1 research and didactic employee in the field of mechanics, the strength of materials, basic Polish required
  • short-term employment of 1 research and didactic employee in the field of soil mechanics, foundation, basic Polish required


  • 1 research and didactic employee in the field of mechanical engineering with a specialisation in mechanical systems and automation, basic Polish required
  • 1 independent research and didactic employee in the field of mechanical engineering with a specialisation in broadly understood microscopy, basic Polish required